10 Teens Prayers to Stand Firm Against Peer Influence.

Embracing the power of scripture

Prayers to Stand Firm Against Peer Influence.

Let us not forget that there is power in the scripture.  And because of that power, we are assured that these 10 teens’ prayers to stand firm against peer influence is effective and full of God’s power, his divine strength.

***psalm 77:14** reminds us that God is the God of wonders. He always declared his strength and power among you and me, his people.

In today’s heart-broken society today, our children, especially our teens, face challenges from peer pressure that can make them to feel out of place or isolated from the world. We must left up our teens in prayer to the God almighty, who is able to protect and guide them in the right path.

We need to empower our children and guide them to have that strong connection with the Lord in every angle or aspect of their lives. Let’s get down with these 10 teens’ prayers to stand firm against peer influence that is rooted in scripture, which can resist negative peer pressure and embrace the truth of God.

** Prayer for Discernment, knowledge  and Wisdom ** James 1:5:

Oh, loving and kind father, I ask that you bless me with the insight to distinguish the difference between good and evil. Please, Lord, help me to make decisions that reflect my values and beliefs, even amid peer influence.

God, as a teenager / young adult, I stand by your word in James 1:5, which affirms me that if I lack wisdom, I should ask of you because you are the god who created and gives wisdom to all who ask. Father, grant me the strength and determination to remain steadfast in you, in Jesus’s name. Help me, Lord, to stand firm against peer influence. Amen

**James 1: 5**(KJV) “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not: and it shall be given him.”

* Prayer to get Strong in times of Temptation** 1 Corinthians 10:13:

Father, in times of temptation and strong peer pressure, I ask for your strength and refuge, Lord; Help me to stand on your faithfulness, and please help me not to face more than I can handle. As you say in your words that “you will not allow me to be tempted beyond what I can bear and will provide a way to escape.

**1 Corinthians 10 :13**(KJV) “There hath no temptation taken you, but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

** Prayer to  find my Identity in Christ** (psalm 139:14)

Dear Lord, I thank you so much for the forgiveness of sins, I am pleased that you have accepted me as a new creature in Christ and that I am no longer a slave of fair but a son/ daughter of the King.

Therefore, I will praise you because I acknowledge that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in Christ Jesus. May my heart be shielded from seeking approval from others instead of you, Lord, and please grant me the strength to live confidently as your child and to put you first in everything I do.

I surrender my whole life to you, Lord, do to me that no one else can do, thank you for the deliverance of peer influence as I stand firmly on your word. Thanks for answering my prayer in Jesus’s name. Amen.

** psalm 139: 14** (KJV) “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Prayers to Stand Firm Against Peer Influence.

**Prayer for Courage to Be Different ** Romans 12:2:

Oh, my divine father, I pray that you grant me the strength to embrace my uniqueness and shine brightly instead of conforming to the norm. Help me to resist the world’s ways and embrace a renewed mindset.  Help me to have the courage and the ability to make a difference. I pray that my lifestyle will be like Jesus, so wherever I go, others will see you in me.

I pray that I will stand for the truth, as I know that the truth will set me free. As Romans 12:2 tells me, “not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewing of my mind.” May the truth guide me through the challenges of adolescence. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

**Prayer for Peer Relationships** Proverbs 13:20

“Father, please place supportive friends on my path who uplift me in my spiritual journey with you. Proverbs 13:20 says, “He that walked with wise men shall be wise.”

“May I be granted the wisdom to identify negative influences and the courage to separate myself from unhealthy connections. Please assist me in shining brightly amidst the shadows and inspiring others towards positivity.

I pray that you will block out every evil intention that may surround me coming from my peers and give me the discernment of spirit to make the right decisions. I put my trust in you, Father, that every choice that I make will come from you. In Jesus Name. Amen

**Prayer for Confidence in Your Love**

Lord, I come to you asking you to fill me with the certainty of your unwavering love, fill me with the discernment of boldness to stand firm on your word, as your word is full of power and clarity.

Father, I declare your true found word in Romans 8:38-39 over my life, for I am confident that nothing will be able to separate me from your love during times of rejection from my peers. Lord Jesus, I give you thanks for reassuring me of your steadfast mercy and love towards me.

I stand today with confidence, which you have instilled in my life, to provide you with praise and glory, as I am an overcomer in the blood of Jesus. Amen.

  • **Prayer for Humility and Integrity** Proverbs 11:3

**Prayer for Humility and Integrity** Proverbs 11:3

Dear Lord, I pray that you will fill me with humility and integrity, as your word **provide 11:3** said that “the integrity of the upright shall guide them.”

Help me, Lord, to live a blameless life in your sight and in the eyes of those whom I encounter. Please help me to have the humility to admit my mistakes and have the power and courage to ask you for help to set things right. Give me the integrity to do and live according to your word.

May you shield my heart from pride and arrogance. Please, Lord, guide me to always uphold honesty and integrity, even in difficult moments of my life. I give you thanks for the firmness of your word that will help me to overcome peer influence in Jesus’s name. Amen.

**Prayer for Guidance in decision-making** Proverbs 3: 5-6

Oh, Divine Father, I surrender my decisions and plans to you, having faith that you will guide my  path. Help me to trust In you, God, rather than relying solely on my own knowledge, and guide me to seek divine guidance in all aspects of my life. Lead me on the right path of wisdom and help me to find favour and understanding in your sight. In Jesus Name. Amen.

**Prayer for Perseverance in Faith**

When faced with challenges and obstacles, may I find strength in my faith to keep going. Assist me in staying focused on You, who initiates and completes my faith, believing that I will eventually see results if I persist.

10. **Prayer for Victory Over Fear** The verse from 2 Timothy 1:7 states:

 “Oh, Almighty, I believe in Your promise that I am filled with strength, affection, and clarity, not fear.” When feeling fearful about standing up for what is right, please remind me of Your presence and strength within me.  You remind me, Lord, in Philippians 4;13 that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Please grant me the courage to confront challenges and conquer obstacles with assurance.

Prayers to Stand Firm Against Peer Influence.

Finally, may these prayers be a source of strength, encouragement, and guidance for teenagers and young adult going through the trials of peer influence. May they find comfort in the promises of God’s word and the assurance of His presence as they remain steadfast in their faith and journey with Him.

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